Boston 3days



2カ国留学中、転校する際に2週間の休みがあったのでBostonに行きました。ちょうど、Torontでできた友人がBostonに住み始めたので、catch up しに行きました!Perfect timing!



During, my two-country study abroad program, I visited Boston on my days off during the two weeks when I was switching schools. Then, I caught up with a friend who had just started living in Boston after we became friends in Toronto. Perfect timing!

First time in Boston, and my impression is that it feels like a UK city.

The brick buildings gave Boston a unique atmosphere, different from the typical USA vibe,As soon as I arrived at the airport, my friend handed me a transportation IC card.

“Charlie Card”

日本でいうSuica のようなものですね!



It’s similar to a Suica card in Japan, making it convenient for both buses and trains.With that ,I headed off to explore the sights of Boston.

“Acorn Street”

Bostonの道といったらAcorn Street が有名!




Speaking of Boston street, Acorn Street is famous! Since many tourists come here to take pictures, I highly recommend visiting in the morning. I walked around the city and eventually arrived at a park.

“Boston Common”


Acorn street からも徒歩で10分以内に行けるのでオススメです!


It was the largest park in Boston, kind of like Central Park in NY. I has a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.I totally recommend it since you get there by walking within 10minutes from Acorn street. After relaxing in the park,I was still walking a lot.

“Freedom Trail”

Freedom trail に沿って歩くと….

Walking along the Freedom Trail….

Old State House

Freedom trail に沿って歩くと色んな観光名所に行くことができます!Boston Commonからバンカーヒル記念碑まで全長4km!!! 観光名所も16カ所巡ることができるそうです。



Walking along the Freedom Trail, you can visit various sightseeing spots! It’s a total of 4 km from Boston Common to the Bunker Hill Monument, and along the way, you can explore 16 different historic sites.I mostly skipped it because I didn’t have enough time, but if you have time, definitely give it a try!!! Anyway, I’m feeling really hungry after all the walking.

“Quincy market”



Once inside, there were so many small shops that I couldn’t decide what to eat. Speaking of Boston, there’s a famous food, isn’t there?

“clam chowder”


It was delicious! A slightly tangy, crusty bread was filled to the brim with plenty of seafood.

Day 2

“Tatte Bakery&Cafe”




Day2 Visiting a Bakery I was curious about This bakery seems to have several locations in Boston. I forgot to take a picture, but I highly recommend the almond croissant! Today, I’m planning to visit Harvard University, one of the most famous universities in the world.

“Harverd University”
“John Harvard Statue”


そして、せっかくなので記念グッズを探すことに。Harverd goods store はキャンパスの外にありました。

The campus was so vast that I almost got lost! It’s a beautiful, grassy campus, and it’s a great place to read a book on a sunny day. Anyone can enter the campus. Since I was there, I decided to look for some souvenirs.I found the Harvard goods store just outside the campus.

“Harvard Coop “

大学の生協みたいなもので、Harverd goods はもちろん、本も豊富に置いてあります。

This bookstore, which is kind of like a university co-op store, has plenty of books and Harvard-themed goods.



I got a memo pad to boost my motivation for studying English! I highly recommend them as souvenirs for friends.Since I’ve been walking so much, so I’m feeling a bit hungry. I’m always hungry though, haha!


キャンパス近くにある、スイーツショップへ。Take out のみのオーダーですが、キャンパス近くにフリースペースが多いので問題ないと思います!外は硬めのカリカリで中はクリームたっぷり!甘すぎない味でしたが、一緒にコーヒーで食べるとより美味しく食べれそうです♪

I headed to a sweet shop near the campus. It was only take-away, but there are plenty of open spaces nearby! The dessert had a generous layer of cream on the outside—it’s not overly sweet, so it pairs perfectly with a cup of coffee!

Days 3

最終日はお昼の便でSan Diegoに帰る予定だったので、急いで最後の目的地Boston美術館へ

Since I was planning to return to San Diego on an afternoon flight on the last day, I hurried to my final destination—the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

“Museum of Fine Arts, Boston”



I have many pictures of the paintings, but I’ll post them another time. The museum is so vast that I felt like we needed half a day to explore it! Anyway…..

“Japanese gerden”


弾丸のBoston旅でしたが、5日間あるともう少しゆったり過ごせたかなと思います。BostonはHarverd universityの他にMassachusetts Institute of Technologyなどの名門校もありますので、お時間ある方はぜひ! Freedom trailを辿って、色んな観光名所を時間かけて行くのもいいと思います。少しでも皆さんのBoston旅行が楽しいものになりますように!


There was also a Japanese garden outside the museum. It had such a peaceful atmosphere that I felt like I was in Japan.

It was a whirlwind trip to Boston, but if I had five days, I think I could have enjoyed it at a more relaxed pace. Besides Harvard University, Boston is home to other prestigious schools like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, so if you have time, definitely check them out! Walking along the Freedom Trail and visiting various sightseeing spots at a leisurely pace is also a great way to spend your time. I hope this guide helps make your Boston trip even more enjoyable!

Feel free to leave a comment! I’m happy to answer any questions or hear if there’s any information you’d like to know!”
